Publications and Patents

Mary Anne White's:


Recent invited talks



High-accuarcy and high-resolution calorimetry revealing new correlations if pahse change enthalpy, entropy and number of carbon atoms n, in n-alkanes. H. Mehling, J. Thoen, C. Glorieux and M. A. White, Molecules 30, 1300:1-16 (2025).

Open Access.






Recent Advances in Phase Change Materials for Thermal Energy Storgage. M. A. White, S. Kahwaji and J. A. Noël, ChemComm 60, 1690-1706 (2024). Feature Article  





Phase-change material and method for producing same. M. A. White and J. A. Noël. EU Patent EP 3652266, granted December 20, 2023. 


Phase-change material and method for producing same. M. A. White and J. A. Noël. United States Patent 11,795,360, granted October 24, 2023.


Thermochromic Colorant, Encyclopedia of Color Science and Technology, 2nd Edition; Renzo Shamey, Editor, Springer Reference. M. A. White and A. Bourque (2023), pp. 571-582.  


Analysis of Trends in Phase Change Enthalpy, Entropy and Temperature for Alkanes, Alcohols and Fatty Acids. H. Mehling* and M. A. White, Chemical Physics Impact 6, 100222:1-11 (2023). Open Access.


Phase-change material and method for producing same. M. A. White and J. A. Noël. Canadian Patent 3,067,646, granted April 18, 2023.



Extrinsic point defects in a low-positive thermal expansion Al2W3O12 and their effects on thermal and optical properties. E. C. M. Diaz, M. E. M. da Costa, W. Paraguassu, K. Krambrock, A. Dosen, M. B. Johnson, M. A. White and B. A. Marinkovic, Inorganic Chemistry 61, 14086-14094 (2022). 

Phase-change material and method for producing same. M. A. White and J. A. Noël. US Patent 11,396,619. Granted July 26, 2022.

Thermal properties of single crystals of the low-positive thermal expansion material Al2W3O12. C. Romao, A. Dabkowski, B. A. Marinkovic and M. A. White, Solid State Communications 353. 114873:1-12 (2022). 

Phase-change material and method for producing same. M. A. White and J. A. Noël. Patent ZL2018800459502 granted February 15, 2022.

Phase Change Materials. J. A. Noël, S. Kahwaji, L. Desgrosseilliers, D. Groulx and M. A. White, Chapter 22, pages 503-535 in "Storing Energy with Special Reference to Renewable Energy Sources", 2nd Edition, T. Letcher Editor, Elsevier (2022). Link to Book.




Milk jugs, cartons or plastic bags - which is best for the environment? M. A. White,  The Conversation, November 24, 2021 and translated to French.


Organic Phase Change Materials for Thermal Energy Storage: Influence of Molecular Structure on Properties. S. Kahwaji and M. A. White, Molecules 26, 6635:1-18 (2021). (Open access)


Environmental Impact Assessment of Milk Packaging in Canada, J.-P. Sun, C. Calahoo, C. Brown and M. A. White, J. Cleaner Production 325, 129347:1-10 (2021).


Negative and Near-Zero Thermal Expansion in A2M3O12 and Related Ceramic Families: A Review, B, A. Marinkovic, P. I. Ponton, C. P. Romao, T. Moreira and M. A. White, Frontiers Materials 8, 741560:1-37. (Open Access)


Phase Transition and Coefficients of Thermal Expansion in Al2-xInxW3O12 (0.2 < x < 1), A. E. C. Cortes, A. Dosen, V. L. Blair, M B. Johnson, M. A. White, B. A. Marinkovic, Materials 14, 4021:1-10 (2021). (Open Access)


Experimental Evaluation of a Latent Heat Storage Module with Heat Spreader for Thermal Management of a Tablet Computer, B. Sponagle, D. Groulx and M. A. White, Applied Sciences 11, 3983:1-20 (2021). (Open Access)


Thermal Conductivity of 3-Dimensional Graphene Papers, C. O’Neill, M. B. Johnson, D. DeArmond, L. Zhang, N. Alvarez, V. N. Shanov and M. A. White, Carbon Trends 4, 100041:1-8 (2021).


Thermal Property Determination for Phase Change Materials, S. Kahwaji, M. B. Johnson and M. A. White, Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 158, 106439:1-8 (2021).


Freeze-Cast Form-Stable Phase Change Materials for Thermal Energy Storage, J. A. Noël and M. A. White. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 223, 110956:1-18 (2021).


The Relative Thermodynamic Stability of Diamond and Graphite, M. A. White, S. Kahwaji, V. L. S. Freitas, R. Siewert, J. A. Weatherby, M. D. M. C. Ribeiro da Silva, S. P. Verevkin, E. R. Johnson and J. W. Zwanziger. Angew. Chemie 60, 1546-1549 (2021).


Sustainability, M. A. White, Chapter 12 in Solid State Chemistry, 5th Edition,  by L. E. Smart and E. A. Moore, p. 393-404. CRC Press (2021).



Thermodynamic stability and contributions to the Gibbs free energy of nanocrystalline Ni3Fe, S. H. Lohaus, M. B. Johnson, P. F. Ahnn, C. N. Saunders, H. L. Smith, M. A. White and B. Fultz, Phys. Rev. Mater. 4, 086002 (2020).

Solubility limit of Zn2+ in low thermal expansion ZrMgMo3O12 and its influence on phase transition, A. Madrid, P. I. Pontón, F. Garcia, M. B. Johnson, M. A. White, B. A. Marinkovic, Ceramics Internat. 46, 3979-3983 (2020).



Physical Properties of Materials, 3rd Edition, M. A. White, CRC Press (2019).

Impact of PCM Transition Temperature on the Performance of Latent Heat Storage Thermal Control in Tablet Computers. B. Sponagle, D. Groulx and M. A. White. J. Heat Transfer 141, 122801:1-9 (2019).

Clusters in Liquid Fatty Acids: Structure and Role in Nucleation. J. A. Noël, L. M. LeBlanc, D. S. Patterson, L. Kreplak, M. D. Fleischauer, E. R. Johnson and M. A. White. J. Phys. Chem. B 123, 7043-7054 (2019).

Data supporting micromechanical models for the estimation of Young's modulus and coefficient of thermal expansion of titanate nanotube/Y2W3O12 /HDPE ternary composites. P. I. Pontón, K. Yamada, M. V. Guamán, M. B. Johnson, M. A. White, B. A. Marinkovic. Data in brief  25, 104247:1-9 (2019).

Edible Oils as Practical Phase Change Materials for Thermal Energy Storage. S. Kahwaji and M. A. White. Appl. Sci19, 1627:1-17 (2019).  Open Access

Thermal and Electrical Transport Properties in Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube-coated ZnO Tetrapods and Self-Entangled Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Tubes. J.H. Pöhls. F. Schütt, C. O’Neill, S. Shree, M. B. Johnson, Y. K. Mishra, R. Adelung and M. A. White. Carbon 144, 423-432 (2019).

Passive Thermal Management of Tablet PCs using Phase Change Materials: Intermittent Operation. T. Ahmed, M. Bhouri, D. Groulx and M. A. White. Appl. Sci. 9, 902:1-17 (2019).

Near-Zero Thermal Expansion in Freeze-Cast Composite Materials. S. N. Ellis, C. P. Romao and M. A. White. Ceramics 2, 112-125 (2019).

Predation detection fish tracking tag. T. Fraser, G. D. Marsh, C. D. Murphy, D. B. Oakley, T. B. Stone, D. M. Webber, R. I. Fielden, K. J. Miller, M.A. White. European patent No. 18211682.2-1011; granted February 1, 2019.

Relationship between sintering methods and physical properties of the low positive thermal expansion material Al2W3O12. L. P. Prisco, M. Marzano, P. I. Pontón, A. M. L. M. Costa, C. A. da Costa Neto, G. Sweet, C. P. Romao, M. A. White and B. A. Marinkovic. Int. J. Appl. Ceram. Tech. 16, 346-356 (2019).

Origins of Ultralow Thermal Conductivity in 1-2-1-4 Quaternary Selenides. J. J. Kuo, U. Aydemir, J.-H. Pöhls, F. Zhou, G. Yu, A. Faghaninia, F. Ricci, M. A. White, G.-M. Rignanese, G. Hautier, A. Jain and G. J. Snyder. J. Mater. Chem A 7, 2589-2596 (2019).

The effect of titanate nanotube/Y2W3O12 hybrid fillers on mechanical and thermal properties of HDPE-based composites. P. I. Pontón, K. Yamada, M. V. Guamán, M. B. Johnson, M. A.White, O. Pandoli, A.M.L.M. Costa and B. A. Marinkovic. Materials Today Commun., 18 , 124-135 (2019).

Heat capacities of potential organic phase change materials. J. Noël and M. A. White. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 128, 127-133 (2019).


Supercooling and Nucleation of Fatty Acids: Influence of Thermal History on the Behavior of the Liquid Phase. J. A. Noël, L. Kreplak, N. N. Getangama, J. R. de Bruyn and M. A. White. J. Phys. Chem. B 122, 12386-12395 (2018).

First-Principles Calculations and Experimental Studies of XYZ2 Thermoelectric Compounds: Detailed Analysis of van der Waals interactions. J.-H. Pöhls, Z. Luo, U. Aydemir, J.-P. Sun, S. Hao, J. He, I. G. Hill, G. Hautier, A. Jain, X. Zeng, C. Wolverton, G. J. Synder, H. Zhu and M. A. White. J. Mater. Chem. A, 6, 19502-19519 (2018).

A Comprehensive Study of Paraffin Phase Change Materials for Solar Thermal Energy Storage and Thermal Management Applications. S. Kahwaji, M. B. Johnson, A. C. Kheirabadi, D. Groulx and M. A. White. Energy 162, 1169-1182 (2018).

Passive Thermal Management of Tablet PCs using Phase Change Materials: Continuous Operation. T. Ahmed, M. Bhouri, D. Groulx and M. A. White. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 134, 101-115 (2018).

Applications of ice-templated ceramics. M. A. White, J. Conrad, R. Chen, C. P. Romao, A. de Farais Pereira and I. G. Hill. Int. J. Appl. Ceram. Tech. 15, 1075-1083 (2018).  DOI 10.1111/ijac.12896

Molecular Structure and Melting: Implications for Phase Change Materials. J. A. Noël, S. Kahwaji and M. A. White. Can. J. Chem. 96, 722-729 (2018).

Data supporting the prediction of the properties of eutectic organic phase change materials. S. Kahwaji and M. A. White. Data in Brief, 17, 724-730 (2018).

Prediction of the Properties of Eutectic Organic Phase Change Materials, S. Kahwaji and M. A. White. Thermochimica Acta 660, 94-100 (2018).


Metal Phosphides as Potential Thermoelectric Materials. J.-H. Pöhls, A. Faghaninia, G. Petretto, U. Aydemir, F. Ricci, G. Li, M. Wood, S. Ohno, G. Hautier, G. J. Snyder, G.-M. Rignanese, A. Jain and M. A. White. J. Mater. Chem. C. 5, 12441-12456 (2017). DOI 10.1039/C7TC03948D

Investigations of ice-structuring agents in ice-templated ceramics. M. A. White, J. Conrad, S. N. Ellis and R. Chen, J. Amer. Ceram. Soc. 100, 5066-5074 (2017).

Modelling for Performance Prediction of Highly Insulated Buildings with Different Types of Thermal Mass. O. Siddiqui, R. Kumar, A. S. Fung, D. Zhang, M. A. White and C. A. Whitman, Appl. Therm. Eng. 122, 139-147 (2017).

Enhanced Stability and Thermoelectric Figure-of-Merit in Copper Selenide by Lithium Doping. S. D. Kang, J.-H. Pöhls, U. Aydemir, P. Qiu, C. C. Stoumpos, R. Hanus, M. A. White, X. Shi, L. Chen, M. G. Kanatzidis and G. J. Snyder,  Materials Today Physics. 1, 7-13 (2017).

Fatty Acids and Related Phase Change Materials for Reliable Thermal Energy Storage at Moderate Temperatures. S. Kahwaji, M. B. Johnson, A. C. Kheirabadi, D. Groulx and M. A. White. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells. 167, 109-120 (2017).

Achieving zT > 1 in Inexpensive Zintl Phase Ca9Zn4+xSb9 by Phase Boundary Mapping. S. Ohno, U. Aydemir, M. Amsler, J.-H. Pöhls, S. Chanakian, A. Zevalkink, M. A. White, S. K. Bux, C. Wolverton, and G. J. Snyder.  Adv. Functional Materials. 27, 1606361 (2017).

Thermodynamics and crystal chemistry of rhomboclase, (H5O2)Fe(SO4)2•2H2O, and the phase (H3O)Fe(SO4)2, and implications for acid mine drainage. J. Majzlan, K.-D. Grevel, B. Kiefer, U. G. Nielsen, E. Grube, E. Dachs, A. Benisek, M. A. White and M. B. Johnson, Amer. Mineral. 102, 643-654 (2017).

High thermal conductivities of carbon nanotube films and micro-fibres and their dependence on morphology. T. Gspann, S. M Juckes, J. F. Niven, M. B. Johnson, J. A. Elliott, M. A. White and A. H. Windle, Carbon 114, 160-168 (2017).


Relationships Between Elastic Anisotropy and Thermal Expansion in A2Mo3O12 Materials. C. P. Romao, S. P. Donegan, J. W. Zwanziger and M. A. White, PCCP 18, 30652-30661 (2016).

Predation detection fish tracking tag. T. Fraser, G. D. Marsh, C. D. Murphy, D. B. Oakley, T. B. Stone, D. M. Webber, R. I. Fielden, K. J. Miller, M.A. White. US Patent No. 9,526,28B2; granted December 16, 2016.

Near-zero thermal expansion and phase transition in In0.5(ZrMg)0.75Mo3O12. L. Prisco, P. Pontón, W. Paraguassu, C. P. Romao, M. A. White and B. Marinkovic, J. Materials Research 31, 3240-3248 (2016).

Negative Stiffness in ZrW2O8 Inclusions as a Result of Thermal Stress . C. P. Romao and M. A. White, Applied Physics Letters 109, 031902:1-5 (2016).

Validation of Finite Domain, Non-uniformly Heated, Laminate Body Heat Conduction Model. L. Desgrosseilliers, M. Kabbara, D. Groulx and M. A. White, Heat and Mass Transfer 52, 1283-1293 (2016).

Phase Change Materials. J. A. Noël, S. Kahwaji, L. Desgrosseilliers, D. Groulx and M. A. White, Chapter in Storing Energy: With Special Reference to Renewable Energy Sources, T. M. Letcher, Ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 2016, p. 249-272.

Influence of Annealing on Thermal and Electrical Properties of Carbon Nanotube Yarns. J. F. Niven, M. B. Johnson, S. M. Juckes, M.A. White, N.T. Alvarez and V. Shanov. Carbon 99, 485-490 (2016).

Understanding Thermoelectric Properties from High-Throughput Calculations: Trends, Insights, and Comparisons with Experiment. W. Chen, J.-H. Pöhls, G. Hautier, D. Broberg, S. Bajaj, U. Aydemir, Z. M. Gibbs, H. Zhu, M.A. White, M. Asta, G. J. Snyder, B. Meredig, G. Ceder, K. Persson, and A. Jain, J. Mater. Chem. C 4, 4414-4426 (2016).

Thermal conductivity of bulk boron nitride nanotube sheets and their epoxy-impregnated composites. M.B. Jakubinek, J. F. Niven, M. B. Johnson, B. Ashrafi, K. S. Kim, B. Simard and M. A. White, Physica Status Solidi A: Applications and Materials Science 213, 2237-2242 (2016).

Experimental investigation of thermal management of Tablet Computers using Phase Change Materials (PCMs). T. Ahmed, M. Bhouri, S. Kahwaji, D. Groulx and M. A. White, Proceedings of the ASME 2016 Summer Heat Transfer Conference - HT2016, Washington, DC, 10p. (2016).

Stable, Low-Cost Phase Change Material for Building Applications: The eutectic mixture of decanoic acid and tetradecanoic acid. S. Kahwaji, M. B. Johnson, A. C. Kheirabadi, D. Groulx and M. A. White, Applied Energy 168, 457-464 (2016). (Supplementary Information)

YCuTe2: A Member of a New Class of Thermoelectric Materials with CuTe4-Based Layered Structure. U. Aydemir, J-H Pöhls, H. Zhu, G. Hautier, S. Bajaj, Z. M. Gibbs, W. Chen, G. Li, S. Ohno, D. Broberg, S. D. Kang, M. Asta, G. Ceder, M. A. White, K. Persson, A. Jain, and G. J. Snyder, J. Materials Chem A 4, 2461-2472 (2016).  Selected as "Hot Article for 2016".

Thermochromic Colorant, entry in Encyclopedia of Color Science and Technology; Ronnier Luo, Editor, Springer Reference. M. A. White and A. Bourque, p. 463-474 (2016).

Assessment of the thermal shock resistance of Al2W3O12, a low thermal expansion ceramic; A case study. L. P. Prisco, P. I. Pontón, M. V. Guamán, R. R. Aville, C. P. Romao, M. B. Johnson, M. A. White, B. A. Marinkovic, J. Amer. Ceram. Soc. 99, 1742-1748 (2016).

Characterization and real-time testing of phase change materials for solar thermal energy storage. A. Joseph, M. Kabbara, D. Groulx, P. Allred and M.A. White, Int. J. Energy Res. 40, 61-70 (2016).

Origins of Ultralow Thermal Conductivity in Bulk [6,6]-Phenyl-C61-Butyric Acid Methyl Ester (PCBM).. J-H. Pöhls, M. B. Johnson and M. A. White,  Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18, 1185-1190 (2016). (Supplementary Information)


Thermal Expansion Reduction in Alumina-toughened Zirconia by Incorporation of Zirconium Tungstate and Aluminum Tungstate. C. P. Romao, B. A. Marinkovic, U. Werner-Zwanziger, and M. A. White,  J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 98, 2858-2865 (2015).

Synthesis, characterization and thermodynamics of arsenates forming in the Ca-Fe(III)-As(V)-NO3 system: Implications for the stability of Ca-Fe arsenates. D. Paktunc, J. Majzlan, A. Huang, Y.  Thibault, M. Johnson, and M. A. White,  American Mineralogist 100, 1803-1820 (2015). Selected as a "Notable Paper."

Computational and experimental investigation of TmAgTe2 and XYZ2 compounds, a new group of thermoelectric materials identified by first-principles high-throughput screening. H. Zhu, G. Hautier, U. Aydemir, Z. M. Gibbs, G. Li, S. Bajaj, J.-H. Pöhls, D. Broberg, W. Chen, A. Jain, M. A. White, M. Asta, G. J. Snyder, K. Persson and G. Ceder, J. Mater. Chem. C 3, 10554-10565 (2015). Correction: J. Mater. Chem. C, 4, 4331 (2016).

Determination of Phase Stability of Elemental Boron. M. A. White, A. Cerqueira, C. A. Whitman, M. B. Johnson and T. Ogitsu, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 54, 3626-3629 (2015). Press coverage: and Serious Science. Supporting information.

Zero Thermal Expansion in ZrMgMo3O12: NMR Crystallography Reveals Origins of Thermoelastic Properties, C. P. Romao, F. A. Perras, U. Werner-Zwanziger, J. A. Lussier,  K. J. Miller, C. M. Calahoo, J. W. Zwanziger, M. Bieringer, B. A. Marinkovic, D. L. Bryce and M. A. White, Chemistry of Materials 27 2633–2646 (2015). Supporting Information.

The Heat Capacities of Thermomiotic ScF3 and ScF3-YF3 Solid Solutions. C. P. Romao, C. R. Morelock, M. B. Johnson, J. W. Zwanziger, A. P. Wilkinson and M.A. White; J. Mater. Sci. 80 3409-3415 (2015). Supporting Information.

Life Cycle Assessment of Two Biologically Produced Phase Change Materials and their Related Products.. J. A. Noël, P. M. Allred and M. A. White, International Journal of Life Cycle Analysis 20, 367-376 (2015).

Control of thermochromic behaviour in crystal violet lactone (CVL) / alkyl gallate / alcohol ternary mixtures. A.N. Bourque and M. A. White, Canad. J. Chem. 93, 22-31 (2015).


3D chemically cross-linked single-walled carbon nanotube buckypapers. M.B. Jakubinek, B. Ashrafi, J. Guan, M.B. Johnson, M.A. White, B. Simard. RSC Advances 4, 57564-57573 (2014).  

Magnetic Phase Transitions and Magnetic Entropy in the XY Antiferromagnetic Pyrochlores (Er1-xYx)2Ti2O7. J. F. Niven, M. B. Johnson, A. Bourque, P. J. Murray, D. D. James, H. A. Dąbkowska, B. D. Gaulin and M. A. White, Proc. Roy. Soc. A 470, 20140387:1-13 (2014). Special Feature Article.  

Al2Mo3O12/polyethylene composites with reduced coefficient of thermal expansion. A. R. Soares, P. I. Pontón, L. Mancic, J.R.M. d’Almeida, C.P. Romao, M.A. White and B.A. Marinkovic, J. Mater. Sci. 49, 7870-7882 (2014).

Thermal, vibrational, and thermoelastic properties of Y2Mo3O12 and their relations to negative thermal expansion. C. P. Romao, K. J. Miller, M. B. Johnson, J. W. Zwanziger, B. A. Marinkovic, and M.A. White, Physical Review B 90, 024305:1-9 (2014).  

Real-time testing of phase-change materials for solar thermal energy storage. A. Joseph, M. Kabbara, D. Groulx, P. Allred and M.A. White, 13th International Conference on Clean Energy (ICCE14), Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 265-274.

Thermodynamic Evaluation of Supercooled Seasonal Heat Storage at the Drake Landing Solar Community. L. Desgrosseilliers, D. Groulx, M.A. White and L. Swan, Eurotherm Seminar #99: Advances in Thermal Energy Storage, 99-02-016:1-12 (2014).  

PCM-Based Thermal Storage System Research at Dalhousie University: A Review. D. Groulx*, M.A. White and A. Joseph, Eurotherm Seminar #99: Advances in Thermal Energy Storage, 99-01-027:1-11 (2014).

Two-region fin model adjacent temperature profile interactions. L. Desgrosseilliers, D. Groulx* and M.A. White, Proc. 15th International Heat Transfer Conference – IHTC 15, Kyoto, Japan, 15 p.

Thermal Methods. M.B. Johnson and M.A. White, Chapter 2 in Inorganic Materials: Multi Length-Scale Characterisation; D.W. Bruce, D. O'Hare and R. I. Walton, Editors. Wiley (2014).

Thermographic Validation of a Novel, Laminate Body, Analytical Heat Conduction Model. L. Desgrosseilliers, D. Groulx and M.A. White, Heat and Mass Transfer 50, 895-905 (2014).


Crystal nucleation and near‐epitaxial growth in nacre. I.C. Olson, A.Z. Blonsky, N. Tamura, M. Kunz, B. Pokroy, C.P. Romao, M.A. White, P.U.P.A. Gilbert, J. Structural Biology 184, 454-463 (2013).

Influence of Guest Loading on Thermal Properties of NaxSi136 Clathrates. A. D. Ritchie, M.B. Johnson, J.F. Niven, M. Beekman, G.S. Nolas, J. Gryko and M.A. White, J. Phys.: Cond. Matter 25, 435401:1-9 (2013).

Pressure-induced crystal-amorphous transformation in Y2Mo3O12. A. C. Torres Dias, C. Luz Lima, W. Paraguassu, K. Pereira da Silva, P. T. C. Freire, J. Mendes Filho, B. Marinkovic, K. J. Miller, M. A. White, A. G. Souza Filho, Vibrational Spectroscopy 68, 251-256 (2013).

Determination of Enthalpy-Temperature-Composition Relations in Incongruent-Melting Phase Change Materials. L. Desgrosseilliers, P. Allred, D. Groulx and M.A. White, Applied Thermal Engineering 61, 193-197 (2013).

Bismuth Crystals: Preparation and Measurement of Thermal and Electrical Properties, G. Alemán-Milán, B. Millier, A. Ritchie, C. Bryan, S. Vinette, B. Wielens, M.A. White, Journal of Chemical Education 90, 1675-1680 (2013). Cover article!  

Heat Conduction in Laminate Multilayer Bodies with Applied Finite Heat Source. L. Desgrosseilliers, D. Groulx and M.A. White, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 72, 47-59 (2013).

Dodecanoic acid as a promising phase-change material for thermal energy storage. L. Desgrosseilliers, C. A. Whitman, D. Groulx and M. A. White, Applied Thermal Engineering 53, 37-41 (2013).

The Effect of Microstructure on Thermal Expansion Coefficients in Powder-Processed Al2Mo3O12. L. P. Prisco, C.P. Romao, M.A. White and B. A. Marinkovic, J. Mater. Sci. 48, 2986-2996 (2013).

Near-Zero Thermal Expansion in In(HfMg)0.5Mo3O12. K. J. Miller, C. P. Romao, M. Bieringer, B. A. Marinkovic, L. Prisco and M. A. White, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 96, 561-566 (2013).

Negative Thermal Expansion (Thermomiotic) Materials. C.P. Romao, K.J. Miller, C.A. Whitman, M.A. White and B.A. Marinkovic, in Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry II, J. Reedijk and K. Poeppelmeier, Eds. Vol. 4. Oxford: Elsevier; 2013, p. 128-151.


Thermal Conductivity of (Er1-xYx)2Ti2O7 Pyrochlore Oxide Solid Solutions. C. Bryan, C. A. Whitman, M. B. Johnson, J.F. Niven, P. Murray, A. Bourque, H. A. Dabkowska, B. D. Gaulin and M. A. White. Phys. Rev. B 86, 054303:1-7 (2012).

Reclaimed Laminate Waste as Novel, Heat Transfer Enhancing, Encapsulation for Long-term PCM Heat Storage. L. Desgroseilliers, D. Groulx and M.A. White. Proceedings, Cleantech Conference and Showcase 2012, 4 pages.

Low-temperature investigations of the open-framework material HfMgMo3O12. K.J. Miller, M.B. Johnson, M.A. White and B. Marinkovic. Solid State Commun. 152, 1748-1752 (2012).

Physical properties of carbon nanotube sheets drawn from arrays of multiwalled carbon nanotubes. J.-H. Pöhls, M.B. Johnson, M.A. White, R. Malik, B. Ruff, C. Jayasinghe, M.J. Schulz and V. Shanov. Carbon 50, 4175-4183 (2012).

Thermal and electrical conductivity of array-spun multi-walled carbon nanotube yarns.  M.B. Jakubinek, M.B. Johnson, M.A.White, C. Jayasinghe, G. Li, W. Cho, M.J. Schulz, and V. Shanov. Carbon 50, 244-248 (2012).

Crystal structure, thermodynamic properties, and paragenesis of bukovskýite, Fe2(AsO4)(SO4)(OH)·9H2O. J.Majzlan, B.Lazic, T. Armbruster, M.B. Johnson, M.A. White, R.A. Fisher, J. Plášil, J. Loun, R. Škoda and M. Novák. Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences 107, 133-148 (2012).

Sustainable Approaches to Advanced Materials Research. M.A. White. Physics in Canada 68(1), 27-29 (2012).

Thermal conductivity of tunable lamellar Al2O3/PMMA hybrid composites. R. Chen, M.B. Johnson, K.P. Plucknett and M.A. White. J. Mater. Res. 27, 1868-1876 (2012).

Characterization of Thermal Performance of a Solid-Solid Phase Change Material, Di-n-Hexylammonium Bromide, for Potential Integration in Building Materials. C. A. Whitman, M.B. Johnson and M.A. White. Thermochimica Acta 531, 54-59 (2012).

"Physical Properties of Materials". Mary Anne White, CRC Press (Boca Raton,FL), 2012, 452 pages.

Thermal and electrical conductivity of array-spun multi-walled carbon nanotube yarns.  M.B. Jakubinek, M.B. Johnson, M.A.White*, C. Jayasinghe, Ge Li, W. Cho, M.J. Schulz, and V. Shanov. Carbon 50, 244-248 (2012).



Design of a Latent Heat Energy Storage System Coupled with a Domestic Hot Water Solar Thermal System. R. Murray, L. Desgrosseilliers, J. Stewart, N. Osbourne, G. Marin, A. Safatli, D. Groulx and M.A. White. Proceedings of the World Renewable Energy Congress 2011, 8 pages (2011).

Phase Change Material Selection in the Design of a Latent Heat Energy Storage System Coupled with a Domestic Hot Water Solar Thermal System. L. Desgrosseilliers,* R. Murray, A. Safatli, G. Marin, J. Stewart, N. Osbourne, M.A. White and D. Groulx. Proceedings of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Conference 8 pages (2011).

Relationship Between Thermal Conductivity and Structure of Nacre from Haliotis fulgens. L. P. Tremblay, M.B. Johnson, U. Werner-Zwanziger and M.A. White. Journal of Materials Research 26, 1216-1224 (2011).

Rapid synthesis of the low thermal expansion phase of Al2Mo3O12 via a sol-gel method using polyvinyl alcohol. M. Ari, K. Miller, B. A. Marinkovic,* P. M. Jardim, F. Rizzo, M. A. White. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 58, 121 (2011).



XAS Studies of Local Structure and Electronic Properties of NaxSi136 (0<x<24) Clathrates. A.D. Ritchie, M.A. MacDonald, P. Zhang, M.A. White, M. Beekman, J. Gryko and G. Nolas. Physical Review B 82, 155207 (2010).

Thermal and Electrical Conductivity of Tall, Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotube Arrays. M. B. Jakubinek, M. A. White, G. Li, C. Jayasinghe, W. Cho, M. J. Shulz and V. Shanov. Carbon 48, 3947-3952 (2010).

New Insights Concerning the Mechanism of Reversible Thermochromic Mixtures. H. Tang, D. C. MacLaren and M. A. White*. Canadian Journal of Chemistry 88, 1063-1070 (2010).

M. B. Jakubinek, M. B. Johnson, M. A. White, J. Guan and B. Simard. Novel Method to Produce Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Films and their Thermal and Electrical Properties. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 10, 8151 (2010).

J. Majzlan, P. Glasnák, R. A. Fisher, M. A. White, M. B. Johnson, B. F. Woodfield and J. Boerio-Goates. Heat capacity, entropy and magnetic properties of jarosite-group compounds. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 37, 635 (2010).

M.B. Jakubinek, C.A. Whitman and M.A. White. Negative thermal expansion materials: thermal properties and implications for composite materials. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 99, 165 (2010).

M. B. Jakubinek, M. A. White, M. Mu and K. I. Winey. Temperature Dependence of Thermal Conductivity Enhancement in Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube/Polystyrene Composites. Applied Physics Letters 96, 083105 (2010).


H. Tang and M.A. White. Combinatorial approaches to investigations of thermochromic mixtures. Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. 1159, 1159-G06-10 (2009). 6 pages.

B.A. Marinkovic,  M. Ari, R.R. de Avillez, F. Rizzo, F.F. Ferreira, K. Miller, M.B. Johnson and M.A. White. Correlation between AO6 polyhedral distortion and negative thermal expansion in orthorhombic Y2Mo3O12 and related materials. Chemistry of Materials 21, 2886-2894 (2009).

M.B. Jakubinek, R. Price and M.A. White. Thermal conductivity of light-cured dental composites: importance of filler particle size Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, 30(6), 159-167 (2009).

M.B. Johnson, D.D. James, A. Bourque, H.A. Dabkowska, B.D. Gaulin and M.A. White. Thermal Properties of the Pyrochlore, Y2Ti2O7. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 182, 725 (2009).


C.A. Whitman, R. Mysyk and M.A. White. Investigation of factors affecting crystallization of cyclopentane clathrate hydrate. J. Chem. Phys., 129, 174502 (2008).

J.P.C. Ruff, J.P. Clancy, A. Bourque, M.A. White, M. Ramazanoglu, J.S. Gardner, Y. Qiu, J.R.D. Copley, M.B. Johnson, H.A. Dabkowska, and B.D. Gaulin Spin Waves and Quantum Criticality in the Frustrated XY Pyrochlore Magnet Er2Ti2O7. Physical Review Letters, 101, 147205 (2008). 4 pages

M.B. Jakubinek, C.O’Neill, C. Felix, R.B. Price and M.A. White. Temperature excursions at the pulp-dentin-junction during the preparation of light-cured dental restorations. Dental Materials, 24, 1468-1476 (2008).

Reduced Thermal Conductivity by Low-Frequency Optic Phonons that Give Rise to Negative Thermal Expansion: Opportunities for Thermoelectrics? M. A. White and C. A. Whitman in Thermoelectric Power Generation, edited by T. P. Hogan, J. Yang, R.Funahashi, T. M. Tritt (Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Volume 1044U, Warrendale, PA, 2008), 1044-U07-01.

M.C. Cook, C.A. Whitman, R.L. White and M.A. White. Thermal Properties of 2-(Aminomethyl)dicarboxylic Acids. Thermochimica Acta 468, 49-54 (2008).


M.B. Jakubinek, M. A. White, P.C.P. Watts and D. Carey, Temperature Dependent Thermal Conductivity of Carbon Nanotube/Epoxy Composites in Nanoscale Heat Transport—From Fundamentals to Devices, edited by S.R. Phillpot, S. Volz, T. Borca-Tasciuc, M. Choi (Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Volume 1022E, Warrendale, PA, 2007), 1022-II03-06.

C. A. Kennedy, M. A. White, A. P. Wilkinson and T. Varga, Heat Capacity, Lattice Dynamics and Thermodynamic Stability of the Negative Thermal Expansion Material, HfMo2O8. Phys. Rev. B 75, 224302 (2007).

C. A. Kennedy, M. A. White, A. P. Wilkinson and T. Varga, Low Thermal Conductivity of the Negative Thermal Expansion Material, HfMo2O8. Appl Phys. Lett. 90, 151906 (2007).

M. B. Jakubinek, B.-Z. Zhan and M. A. White, Temperature-dependent thermal conductivity of powdered zeolite NaX. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 103, 108 (2007).

C. A. Kennedy, M. Stancescu, R. A. Marriott and M. A. White, Recommendations for accurate heat capacity measurements using a Quantum Design physical property measurement system. Cryogenics 47, 107 (2007).



R. A. Marriott, M. Stancescu, C. A. Kennedy and M. A. White,  Technique for determination of accurate heat capacities of volatile, powdered or air-sensitive samples using relaxation calorimetry. Rev. Scientific Instrum. 77, 096108  (2006).

R. B. Dinwiddie, M. A. White and D. L. McElroy, Eds., Thermal Conductivity 28 / Thermal Expansion 16. Proceedings of the Twenty-Eight International Thermal Conductivity Conference; Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Thermal Expansion Symposium. DEStech Publications, Inc. Lancaster, PA (2006), 544 pages.

M. A. White, Concrete. J. Chem. Educ., 83, 1425-1427 (2006).

M. B. Jakubinek, C. Samarasekera and M.A. White, Elephant Ivory: a Low Thermal Conductivity, High Strength Nanocomposite. J. Mater. Res., 21, 287 (2006).

Liyan Qiu, Patricia A. Laws, Bi-Zeng Zhan and Mary Anne White, Thermodynamic Investigations of Zeolites NaX and NaY.  Can. J. Chem. 84, 134 (2006).



K. C. Hewitt, P.A. Casey, R. J. Sanderson, M. A. White, and R. Sun, High-throughput resistivity apparatus for thin-film combinatorial librariesRev. Sci. Instrum. 76, 093906 (2005)

C.A.Kennedy and M.A. White, Unusual Thermal Conductivity of the Negative Thermal Expansion Material, ZrW2O8Solid State Commun. 134, 271 (2005).

R. A. Marriott and M. A. White, Comparison of Ab Initio and Group Additive Ideal Gas Heat Capacities AIChE Journal 51, 292 (2005).

D. C. MacLaren and M. A. White, Design rules for reversible thermochromic mixtures. J. Mater. Sci. 40, 669 (2005).

C. A. Kennedy, B.-Z.Zhan and M.A. White, Crystallinity of Hybrid Nanozeolite-Poly(ethylene oxide) Composites J. Composite Materials 39, 193 (2005).



L. Qiu, I.P. Swainson, G.S. Nolas and M.A. White, Structure, Thermal and Transport Properties of Clathrates Sr8Zn8Ge38, Sr8Ga16Ge30 and Ba8Ga16Si30. Phys. Rev. B 70, 035208 (2004).

M. A. White, L. Qiu and G. Nolas, Simple methods for estimation of heat capacities of solids: Implications for thermoelectrics,  Thermal Conductivity 27, 72 (2004).

B.-Z. Zhan, M. A. White, P. Fancy, C. A. Kennedy and M. Lumsden, Functionalization of a nano-faujacite nanozeolite with PEG-grafted PMA tethers, using atom transfer radical polymerization. Macromolecules 37, 2748 (2004).

V. Murashov and M.A. White, Thermal Conductivity of Insulators and Glasses,  Chapter 1.3, pages 93-104 in "Thermal Conductivity", T. Tritt, Editor, Kluwer/Plenum, New York (2004).

R. Sun and M.A. White, Ceramics and Glasses,  Chapter 3.1, pages 239-254 in "Thermal Conductivity", T. Tritt, Editor, Kluwer/Plenum, New York (2004).



D.C. MacLaren and M.A. White, Competition between dye-developer and solvent-developer interactions in a reversible thermochromic system. J. Materials Chemistry, 13, 1701 (2003).

D.C. MacLaren and M.A. White, Dye-developer interactions in the crystal violet lactone - lauryl gallate binary system: implications for thermochromismJ. Materials Chemistry, 13, 1695 (2003).

B.-Z. Zhan, M.A. White J.A. Pincock, K.N. Robertson, T.S. Cameron and T.-K. Sham, Oxidation of cyclohexane using a novel RuO2-zeolite nanocomposite catalyst Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 81, 764 (2003).

B-Z. Zhan, M.A. White and M. Lumsden, Bonding of organic functional groups to nanozeolite crystal surfaces Langmuir, 19, 4205 (2003).

B.-Z. Zhan, M.A. White, T.-K. Sham, J.A. Pincock, R.J. Doucet, K.V.R. Rao, K.N. Robertson and T.S. Cameron, Zeolite-Confined Nano RuO2: A Green, Selective and Efficient Catalyst for Aerobic Alcohol Oxidation Journal of the American Chemical Society 125, 2195 (2003).

M.A. White, D.C. MacLaren, R.A. Marriott and B.-Z. Zhan, Thermodynamic Stability of Clathrate Hydrates Relative to Their Separate Chemical Components Canadian Journal of Physics 81, 175 (2003).

D.C. MacLaren and M.A. White, Cement: Its Chemistry and PropertiesJournal of Chemical Education 80, 623 (2003). (Cover article)



G.D. Rockwell, T.B. Grindley, K.C. Smith and M.A. White, Melting Behavior of Crown Thioethers: Correlation of Entropy Changes with Conformational Disorder.  Journal of Physical Chemistry B 106, 12311 (2002).

F. Haarmann, H. Jacobs, W. Kockelmann, J. Sender, P. Müller, C.A. Kennedy, R.A. Marriott, L. Qiu and M.A. White, Dynamics of anions and cations in cesium hydrogensulfide (CsHS, CsDS): Neutron and x-ray diffraction, calorimetry and proton NMR investigations. Journal of Chemical Physics 117, 4961 (2002).

B.-Z. Zhan, M.A. Whiteí, M. Lumsden, J. Mueller-Neuhaus, K.N. Robertson, T.S. Cameron and M. Gharghouri, Control of Particle Size and Surface Properties of Crystals of NaX Zeolite. Chemistry of Materials 14, 3636 (2002).

O. Andersson, V. Murashov and M.A. White, Thermal conductivity and heat capacity of Dianin’s compound under pressure. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 106, 192 (2002).

V. Murashov and M.A. White, Thermal Properties of Zeolites: Effective Thermal Conductivity of Dehydrated Powdered Zeolite 4AMaterials Chemistry and Physics 75, 178 (2002).


B.-Z. Zhan, M.A. White,í K.N. Robertson, T.S. Cameron and M. Gharghouri, A novel, organic-additive-free synthesis of nanometer-sized NaX crystals. Chemical Communications, 1176 (2001).

G.S. Nolas, J.-M. Ward, J. Gryko, L. Qiu and M.A. White, Transport Properties of Na8Si46. Physical Review B 64, 153201 (2001).

L. Qiu, M.A.White,í Z. Li, J.S. Tse, C.I. Ratcliffe, C.A. Tulk, J. Dong and O.F. Sankey, Thermal and lattice dynamical properties of Na8Si46 clathrate. Physical Review B 64, 24303 (2001).

L. Qiu and M.A. White, A Method to Estimate Heat Capacities of Complex Inorganic Solids Journal of Chemical Education 78, 1076 (2001).

J.S. Tse, K. Uehara, R. Rousseau, A. Ker, C.I. Ratcliffe, M.A. White and G. MacKay, Structural Principles and Amorphous-Like Thermal Conductivity of Na-doped Si Clathrates. Physical Review Letters 85, 114 (2000); Erratum:Structural Principles and Amorphous-Like Thermal Conductivity of Na-doped Si Clathrates ibid. 86, 4980 (2001).



L. Qiu, V. Murashov and M.A. White, Zeolite 4A: Heat Capacity and Thermodynamic Properties. Solid State Sciences 2, 841 (2000).

V.V. Murashov and M.A. White, Thermal conductivity of crystalline particulate materials. Journal of Materials Science 35, 649 (2000).


Pre-2000 Publications:



Recent Invited talks:

Advantages of Composite Phase Change Materials, MRS Fall Conference and Exhibit, Boston, December 2024.

Porous Ceramics Based Composite Phase Change Materials, 10th International Congress on Ceramics, Montreal, July 2024.

Thermal Conductivity and Near-Zero Thermal Expansion Materials, 3rd International Workshop on Thermal Conductivity of Solid States at Low Temperatures, Kharkiv, Ukraine (online), October 2023.

Form-Stable Phase Change Materials: New Developments, T67T40 Task Force Meeting, Halifax, April 2023.

New Developments in Phase Change Materials, Enerstock Online, International Energy Agency, February 2023

Challenges for Advanced Materials Researchers, at workshop on Future Directions of Advanced Materials, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada, May 2022.

Phase Change Materials for Thermal Energy Storage, Department of Energy, Semnan University, Iran, February 2022.

Form-Stable Phase Change Materials Using Porous Ceramics, 14th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology, Virtual Conference, December 2021.

Thermal Properties of Advanced Ceramics, 14th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and
Glass Technology, Virtual Conference, December 2021.

Phase Change Materials for Thermal Energy Storage: Challenges and Perspectives, IUPAC CCCE
Virtual Conference, August 2021.

New Developments in Porous Ceramics, Mino Ceramic, Nagoya, Japan, November 2019.

Recent Advances in Phase Change Materials for Thermal Energy Storage, Toshiba R&D, Kawasaki, Japan, November 2019.

Atake Memorial Lecture: Phase Change Materials for Thermal Energy Storage, 7th International Symposium on the New Frontiers of Thermal Studies of Materials, Yokohama, Japan, November 2019.

Sustainable Approaches to Advanced Materials. 2019 James A. Morrison Public Lecture, Brockhouse Institute for Materials Research, McMaster University, November 2019.

Phase Change Materials for Thermal Energy Storage. 2019 James A. Morrison Research Lecture, Brockhouse Institute for Materials Research, McMaster University, November 2019.

Properties of Freeze-Cast Ceramics. Global Forum on Advanced Materials for Technology and Sustainable Development, Toronto, July 2019.

Heat Capacity Determination: Tricks of the Trade. Materials Research Society Conference, Boston, November 2018.

Phase Change Materials for Solar Thermal Energy Storage at the International Conference on Energy, Materials and Photonics, Montreal, July 2018.

When Hard Materials Become Soft: The Case for Phase Change Materials for Thermal Energy Storage, as the D. K. C. Macdonald Memorial Lecture at the Canadian Materials Science Conference, Edmonton, June 2018.

Thoughts on Supply Chains, Energy and the Role of Science in Sustainable Approaches, at the Supply Chain & Logistics Management Workshop, Faculty of Management, Dalhousie University, April 2018.

Thermoelectrics for Sustainable Energy Harvesting, at the 64th AVS International Symposium and Exhibition, Tampa, FL, November 2017.

What an informed person should know about energy, SCANS Public Lecture, Halifax, Nova Scotia, October 2017.

Thermodynamics of Materials: From Fundamentals to Applications, Simon Fraser University, October 5, 2017.

Phase Change Materials for Sustainable Energy Storage, at the International Conference on Materials and Systems for Sustainability, Nagoya, Japan, September 30, 2017.

Thermal Energy Storage by Melting of Organic Materials. 100th Canadian Society for Chemistry Conference, Toronto, ON, May 28, 2017.

The Materials Science of Cymbals. Dalhousie University Mechanical and Materials Engineering Conference, Halifax, April 27, 2017.

Recent Advances in Thermal Properties of Materials: From renewal energy applications to new fundamental information about matter. University of South Florida, March 3, 2017.

Freeze-Cast Methods to Make Porous Ceramics: Principles and Examples. 9th International Conference on High Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composites, Toronto, June 28, 2016.

Sustainable Materials Approaches, Workshop on Sustainable Approaches to Materials Research, Including Life Cycle Assessment, Institute for Research in Materials, Dalhousie University, Halifax, June 2016.

Sustainable Approaches to Materials Research. Central Michigan University, October 2015.

What’s new about the elements? Royal Society of Canada Public Lecture, Halifax, June 2015.  

Sustainable approaches to materials research. Canadian Materials Science Conference, Halifax, June 2015.

Thermal Properties of Polymer-Inorganic Composites, the 249th ACS Conference, Denver, CO, March 2015.

The Role of Nanostructure in Thermal Expansion, EMN Meeting on Ceramics – Energy, Materials, Nanotechnology, Orlando, FL, January 2015.  

Experiences in Science Outreach, 2015 Let’s Talk Science Eastern Regional Conference, Halifax, January 2015.  

Recent Advances in Thermal Properties of Materials: From Renewable Energy Applications to New Fundamental Information about Matter, Department of Chemistry, University of Western Ontario, January 2015.  

Thermal Properties of Selected Polymer-inorganic Composites. Canadian Society for Chemistry Conference, June 4, 2014.  

How phase change materials can help make solar thermal capture feasible. Nova Scotia Energy R&D Conference 2014: Energy for Change. Halifax, NS, May 21, 2014.  

Energy Harvesting and Storage: Thermoelectrics and Phase Change Heat Storage Materials. INRS Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications, Varennes, Québec, May 2014.

Physical Properties of Carbon Nanotube Materials. 2014 Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Workshop, Cincinnati, OH, February 2014.  

Sustainable Approaches to Energy Harvesting and Storage, Georgia Tech, January 2014.  

Freeze-Cast Methods to Make Porous Ceramics. 38th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Daytona Beach, Florida, January 2014.  

Sustainable Approaches to Energy Harvesting and Storage, Nova Scotian Institute of Science, Halifax, NS, October 2013.

Phase Stability of Elemental Boron. MS&T, Montreal, October 2013.

Thermodynamic Stability of Boron Allotropes: A Chemical Thermodynamic Approach. Advances in Chemistry of Disordered Solids: A Symposium Honouring the Contributions of Professor Patrick Jacobs. University College London, London, UK, September 2013.

Thermal Properties of Materials, Including Sustainable Approaches to Energy Harvesting and Storage, California Institute of Technology, March 2013.

Sustainable Approaches to Energy Harvesting and Storage, Department of Chemistry, University of Guelph, February 2013.

Sustainable Approaches to Energy Harvesting and Storage, D.B. Robinson Distinguished Speaker at the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering at the University of Alberta, November 2012.

Freeze-Cast Preparation of Porous Bioceramics with Controlled Silver Release, at the MS&T’12 Conference, Pittsburgh, October 2012.

Thermal Properties of Materials: From Energy Storage to Thermoelectrics, McMaster University, June 2012.

Thermal Properties of Materials: From Energy Storage to Thermoelectrics, University of Cincinnati, March 2012.

Energy, Advanced Materials and Sustainability, ACS Conference, San Diego, CA, March 2012. (Invited award lecture)

Morphological Control of Freeze-Cast Ceramics for Preparation of Hybrid Composites, Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston, December 2011.

The Role of Materials Research in Your Life. 2011 J.R. Dacey Memorial Lecturer, Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, Ontario, March 2011.

Energy and Temperature in Our Lives: The Role of Thermodynamics. 21st IUPAC International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics, Tsukuba, Japan, July 2010.

Advanced Materials in YOUR Life. 35th Annual APICS/CIC Student Conference, Halifax, NS, May 2010.

Thermal Conductivity of Nacre and Modified Nacre, 33rd International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Daytona Beach, Florida, January 2010.

What Use is Disorder in Matter? Faculty of Science Lecture, Dalhousie University, November 2009.

Thermal Properties of Composites: From Teeth to Carbon Nanotubes. Mount Allison University, October 2009.

Thermal Properties of Composites: From Teeth to Carbon Nanotubes. Acadia University, September 2009.

Thermal Properties of Materials: Opportunities for Coordination Chemistry? Japan-Canada Coordinatin Space Symposium, Banff, AB, July 2009.

Thermoelectric Materials for Power Generation. Canadian Association of Physicists Congress, Moncton, NB, June 2009.

Thermal Conductivity of Light-Cured Dental Composites: Importance of Filler Particle Size. 33rd International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Daytona Beach, Florida, January 2009.

Negative Thermal Expansion Materials and Their Related Thermal Properties, 4th International Symposium on the New Frontiers of Thermal Studies of Materials, Yokohama, Japan, December 2008.

Thermal Properties of Materials, Toshiba Research & Development Center, Kawaski, Japan, December 2008.

Thermoelectrics: New Materials by Design? NIST Center for Neutron Research, Gaithersburg, Maryland, November 2008.

Molecular-Based Design Rules for Reversible Thermochromic Mixtures,  Centre for Self-Assembled Chemical Structures (CSACS), McGill University and Université de Montréal, September 2008.

Molecular-Based Design Rules for Reversible Thermochromic Mixtures, Queen’s University Belfast, May 2008.

Molecular-Based Design Rules for Reversible Thermochromic Mixtures, UBC, November 2007.

Thermoelectrics: New Materials by Design?, University of Victoria, November 2007.

Materials Science in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum, McMaster University, November 2007.

Molecular-Based Design Rules for Reversible Thermochromic Mixtures, McMaster University, November 2007.

Thermal Properties of Materials: From Teeth to Solar Building Materials, MIT, November 2007.

Molecular-Based Design Rules for Reversible Thermochromic Mixtures, University of Calgary, October 2007.

Thermoelectrics: New Materials by Design?, University of Alberta, October 2007.

Molecular-Based Design Rules for Reversible Thermochromic Mixtures, at University of Waterloo, October 2007.

Thermoelectrics: New Materials by Design?, University of Western Ontario, October 2007.

The Implications of Negative Thermal Expansion for Thermal Conductivity (co-author Cathy Whitman) at “Negative Materials - Fourth International Workshop on Auxetics and Related Systems”, Malta, September 2007.

Advances in Thermoelectric Materials. International Defence Applications of Materials Conference, Halifax, NS, June 2007.

Thermal Properties of Materials: From Teeth to Solar Building Materials. Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Ryerson University, Toronto, May 2007.

Principles of Crystal Growth. Frantic Films, Winnipeg, Manitoba, April 2007.

Novel physical and chemical properties of zeolitic nanomaterials. American Chemical Society, Chicago, March 2007.

Thermoelectric Materials. International Workshop on Materials Issues in the Development of Power and Energy Systems, Halifax, Nova Scotia, March 2007.

Molecular Based Design Rules for Thermochromic Mixtures, Department of Chemistry, University of Manitoba, October 2006.

Thermoelectric Materials: from Fundamental Physics to Applications. Canadian Association of Physicists, St. Catherines, ON, June 2006.

Characterization of materials: Research interactions between Dalhousie University and Defence Research and Development Canada - Atlantic. 11th CF/DRDC International Meeting on Naval Applications of Materials Technology, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, June 2005.

Thermal Conductivity: From Basics to Applications. NIST, Boulder, CO, December 2004.

Thermochromic Materials: From Commercial Products to Molecular-based Design Rules. Department of Chemistry, University of Saskatchewan, November 2004.

Thermochromism: From Basics to Design Rules for Thermochromic Mixtures. Xerox Research Centre of Canada, Mississauga, October 2004.

Thermodynamic and Related Investigations of Zeolites. International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics, Beijing, China, August 2004.

Thermochromism: Evolution of a research project. Department of Chemistry, Simon Fraser University, November 2003.

Simple methods for estimation of heat capacities of solids: Implications for thermoelectrics. International Conference on Thermal Conductivity, Knoxville, TN, October 2003.

The Role of Neutrons in Investigations of Dynamics in Materials. Symposium on the Canadian Participation at the Spallation Neutron Source, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, October 2003.

Zeolites: fascinating structures give impressive properties. General Motors Corporation, Research & Development Center, Warren, Michigan, September 2003.

Thermodynamics of Clathrates: Past, Present and Future. 58th Calorimetry Conference, Brigham Young University, Lai*e, Hawaii, July 2003.

Negative Thermal Expansion Materials. Canadian Materials Science Conference, Halifax, NS, June 2003.

Thermoelectrics: New Materials by Design? University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, October 2002.

Thermochromism: Why colour can change with temperature. Syracuse University, September 2002.

Structure-Property Relationships in Urea and Its Inclusion Compounds. Syracuse University, September 2002.

Thermochromic Mixtures. 17th IUPAC Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics, Rostock, Germany, August 2002.

Thermoelectrics: New Materials by Design? McMaster University, May 2002.