

Mary Anne White enjoys bringing science to the general public, through school visits, public lectures, radio, etc. Here are a few relevant links:

    Naming of the new elements. Interview on CBC Radio program, Day 6

    What is Materials Science? interview on CBC Radio's Sunday Edition with Michael Enright

    Discovery Centre

    Chemistry, our life our future

    Mixing and Unmixing - Activities for School Children

    Discovering Chemistry (Grades 4 to 6)

    Pour Decouvrir la Chimie (Grade 4 a 6)

    How to Make Six-Pointed Snowflakes

                See also

    Wonderful Water (Grades 1 to 3)

    Les Merveilles de L'Eau (Grades 1 a 3)

    New Materials for the Next Millennium - Lecture to Members of Parliament

    Real Costs of Air Conditioning


If you would like Mary Anne to participate in a public outreach activity, contact her by email: mawhite@dal.ca