Dr. Bi-Zeng Zhan (Killam PDF and Research Associate, 2000-2004), Research Scientist at Chevron in Richmond, California since 2006, visited Dalhousie University in June 2023. Bi-Zeng was first author on the most cited paper from our lab (JACS, 2003). It was great to see him again!
Lieutenant Governor, The Honourable Arthur J. LeBlanc, with Mary Anne White, at the awarding of the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal, November 15, 2022.
The wonders of science! Who would have expected it would take less than a year to develop and roll out covid-19 vaccines. Mary Anne White had her first dose, April 2021.
Yumiko Sekigushi, Mary Anne White and Dr. Kenji Sano, of Toshiba RDC, Kawasaki, Japan, after a very fine dinner, November 2019. Dr. Samo and Ms. Sekigushi previously worked on thermochromic materials, and interest of ours too, and recently have moved to the area of energy storage, another interest in common with us.
Mary Anne White's lecture being introduced by Dr. Kenji Sano, at Toshiba RDC, Kawasaki, Japan, November 2019.
Mary Anne White (second from left) with members of the Morrison family (left to right: Bob Morrison, Kathy (Morrison) Turnbull and Ross Turnbull) after the 2019 James A. Morrison Lecture at McMaster University, November 2019.
Mary Anne White at the Seaport Market, Halifax, July 6, 2019, as part of Soapbox Science.
John Noël after receiving his PhD at Convocation, May 31, 2019.
Samer Kahwaji at Atlantic BIOCON 2019, Halifax, May 2019, with his poster presentation.
John Noël with his external examiner, Professor John M. Shaw (University of Alberta), after the PhD defence on September 17, 2018. .
Mary Anne White (centre) receiving a certificate for the D. K. C. MacDonald Memorial Lecture Award at the Canadian Materials Science Conference in Edmonton, June 2018, from the Conference Co-Chairs, Dr. John Nychka (left) and Dr. Anastasia Elias (right).
The Dalhousie 3 Minute Thesis Contest 2018: Left-to-right: President Richard Florizone, first-place winner Kristal Ambrose, second-place winner Laura Hall, third-place winner John Noël, judge Kristan Hines, judge Rebecca Thomas, judge Erik Demaine.
RIP Hong Tang (1975-2017), MSc (2008).
Jan Pöhls: from a visiting Masters student from Christian-Albrecht University in Kiel, Germany, to Dr. Jan Pöhls, here with a parting gift from our group, October 2017, just before he left for a PDF at the University of Alberta.
The MAW group, including past members and some friends, at dinner following Doug MacLaren’s Carl C. Coffin lecture, October 13, 2017.
Doug MacLaren (PhD 2003, left) and Norm Schepp (Department Chair, right), on the occasion of Doug’s visit to present the 2017 Carl C. Coffin Lecture, October 13, 2017.
Mary Anne White (back row, left), with members of the organizing committee and others at the International Conference on Materials and Systems for Sustainability, Nagoya, Japan, September 30, 2017. The person in the front row in the red tie is Professor Hiroshi Amano, 2014 Nobel Prize winner in Physics, for the invention of blue LEDs.
Congratulations to Jan Pöhls, on his PhD graduation, October 3, 2017.
Doug MacLaren (PhD 2003), now a Section Head at Exxon Mobil Research & Development, dropped in while in the Maritimes on summer vacation. Left to right: Mike Johnson, Jan Pöhls, Doug MacLaren, Samer Kahwaji and John Noël. August 2017.
Jan Pöhls (left) with his PhD external examiner, Professor Brent Fultz from Caltech after Jan’s PhD defence. Taken outside the Dunn Building, August 3, 2017.
Baby Mika, son of Dr. Samer Kahwaji and his wife Souad, born August 1, 2017.
Jacques Frémont, Rector of University of Ottawa, and Mary Anne White, after receiving an honorary doctorate, June 19, 2017.
John Noël (left) explaining his award-winning photo at the 100th Canadian Society for Chemistry Conference in Toronto, May 2017.
Our group (and family and friends) had a chance to visit the new Discovery Centre at the Dalhousie Alumni Event, April 2017.
Mary Anne White's retirement lecture, "33.3 Years at Dalhousie: a Look Back and a Look Forward", December 20, 2016.
Mary Anne White at University of South Florida, March 3, 2017. On the left is Professor Ivan Oleynik, and on the right is Professor Hari Srikanth. The bull in the background is the university mascot.
Rob and Mary Anne White at Rideau Hall, for the gala dinner following the Order of Canada installation. November 17, 2016.
Those invested in the Order of Canada, November 17, 2016. Mary Anne White is the first person on the left in the second row.
Mary Anne White and Governor General David Johnston, at the investiture for the Order of Canada. November 17, 2016.
Mary Anne White and our collaborator Dr. Bojan Marinkovic (PUC-Rio) were in Philadelphia for a meeting with one of our research sponsors and had a chance to visit The Franklin Institute Science Museum, with its impressive statue of Ben Franklin, September 2016.
Our research group, 2016.
Carl Romao, graduate student (PhD 2015) and then postdoctoral fellow (2015-16) in our group, now NSERC PDF at Oxford University.
Sarah Ellis (honours project and summer student, May 2015 to August 2016) is now a graduate student at Queen’s University.
Louis Desgrosseilliers, graduate student in our group 2010-2016 (MASc [2012], PhD [2016]; both in Mechanical Engineering and co-supervised by Dominic Groulx now is CEO of his spin-out company, NeoThermal Energy Storage Inc., NeoTES.
The authors of the chapter “Phase Change Materials” in “Storing Energy: With Special Reference to Renewable Energy Sources,” T. M. Letcher, Ed. (Amsterdam: Elsevier; 2016). Left to right: Dominic Groulx, Louis Desgrosseilliers, John Noël, Samer Kahwaji and Mary Anne White. July 2016.
Louis Desgrosseilliers, with his external examiner, Professor Gennady Ziskind,Ben-Gurion University, Israel, after Louis’ PhD defence, July 8, 2016.
Sarah Ellis with her first-prize poster in the Materials Chemistry undergraduate poster competition, from the Canadian Society of Chemistry Conference, June 2016.
Stephan Juckes, Mary Anne White and Sarah Ellis, after Stefan and Sarah’s convocation, June 2016.
We had a short field trip to the Physics building to observe the Transit of Mercury, using telescopes with solar filters, as set up by Dalhousie Physics. May 16, 2016.
The book Storing Energy: With Special Reference to Renewable Energy Sources, T. M. Letcher, Ed. (Amsterdam: Elsevier; 2016), with our chapter, “Phase Change Materials” by J. A. Noël, S. Kahwaji, L. Desgrosseilliers, D. Groulx and M. A. White, finally came out. May 2016.
Stefan Juckes worked in our group as a summer student in 2015, and carried out his honours project in Physics with us, 2015-2016.
We were very pleased to host a visit from Dr. Michael de Podesta, from the National Physical Lab in the UK. Michael is a world-leading expert in temperature, so we visited a very cold spot, the top of Citadel Hill in Halifax, in January. Temperature was -6 oC, with a significant wind-chill factor. January 2016.
Quinn Jakubinek, new daughter of Mike Jakubinek (MSc 2005; PhD 2009) and Tara Swords, January 2016.
The 2015 Halloween pumpkin carving contest winner. Disclaimer: this image does not depict life of a graduate student in our lab!
Dr. Carl Romao and Prof. Mary Anne White following Convocation, October 2015.
Carl Romao and Bojan Marinkovic (PUC-Rio) on a cruise of the harbours of Malta during the Auxetics 2015 conference, September 2015.
To celebrate the birth of Mary Anne White’s first grandchild, we had liquid nitrogen-frozen yogurt at our group meeting in early August 2015. The colour is to celebrate that it was a girl.
John Niven after his MSc defence, with a macro-scale carbon nanotube, July 30, 2015.
Dr. Carl Romao with Professor Martin Dove, Carl’s external examiner, after Carl’s PhD defence, July 16, 2015.
Dr. Carl Romao with Dr. Rick Hapanowicz from Quantum Design (the makers of our PPMS) happened to be in Halifax the day of Carl’s defence, and brought a nice gift for Carl.
Jan Pöhls with his first-prize poster, “Origins of Ultralow Thermal Conductivity in Bulk [6,6]-Phenyl-C61 Butyric Acid Methyl Ester (PCBM)”, at the Canadian Materials Science Conference, June 2015.
The research group, May 2015.
Jacy Conrad looking happy in May 2015 after being awarded her BSc with honours in Chemistry and Physics, and the John Carstairs Arnell Prize for the best Honours Research Project in Chemistry 2014-2015, the Society for Chemical Industry Merit Award for top standing in the final year of the Dalhousie Chemistry undergraduate program, and the Burgess McKittrick Award for best female student in 4th year Honours Physics. Congratulations, Jacy!
Celtic Mass for the Sea with the Canadian Celt Choir, Carnegie Hall, May 2015. (Mary Anne White is right in the middle of the choir.)
Dalhousie Integrated Science Program (DISP) students Jennifer Allott and Yannick MacMillan with their poster on their work on nucleation agents for phase change materials. April 2015.
Dr. Samer Kahwaji, Livio Nichilo (Internat Energy Solutions Canada, Toronto) and Mike Johnson (left to right) during Livio’s visit to discuss our research collaboration with Internat Energy Solutions, September 2014.
Baby Luca, son of Dr. Samer Kahwaji and his wife Souad, born July 11, 2014.
Our research group, June 2014.
Dr. Alex Bourque on the day of his PhD convocation, May 2014. Alex was the first PhD graduate from the DREAMS (Dalhousie Research in Energy, Advanced Materials and Sustainability) program.
John Nöel (left) with McMaster students Yasser Abdelsalam (centre) and Padideh Sarafraz (right) at the annual general meeting of the NSERC Smart Net-Zero Energy Building Strategic Research Network, in Montreal, May 2014.
Louis Desgrosseillers with his poster at the Nova Scotia R&D Energy Conference, Halifax, May 2014.
Our research group, fall 2013.
Pot-luck supper at Mary Anne and Rob’s to celebrate the succesful thesis defences of Alex Bourque and Paul Allred. March 30, 2014.
Professor Bart Kahr, NYU, external examiner for PhD candidate Alex Bourque (right), after the thesis defence. March 27, 2104.
Paul Allred after his MSc defence. March 20, 2014.
John Niven (centre) explaining his poster at the 2014 Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Workshop in Cincinnati, OH, to (on the left) Mike Jakubinek (PhD 2009; now at NRC, Ottawa) and another conference participant. February 2014.
Professor Ken Libbrecht (left) from Caltech, with an interested audience member, following Ken’s public lecture “The Secret Life of a Snowflake”, January 2014. For more on Ken’s snow crystal work, see here.
Rob and Mary Anne White at the Royal Society of Canada Gala, Banff Springs Hotel, Banff, Alberta, November 16, 2013.
Our group (seated L-R: Jan Pöhls, John Niven, John Noël, Carl Romao; standing L-R: Paul Allred, Cathy Whitman (group alumna), Mary Anne White, Alex Bourque, Louis Desgrosseilliers) at the Discovery Centre Fundraising Gala, November 2013.
Advances in Chemistry of Disordered Solids: A Symposium Honouring the Contributions of Professor Patrick Jacobs, University College London, London, UK, September 2013.
Mary Anne completed her honours BSc project with (the late) Professor Patrick Jacobs at the University of Western Ontario in 1975. In his lab, she learned to grow crystals from the melt, and also learned about cryogenics, including transferring helium. Most importantly, Patrick Jacobs introduced Mary Anne to the subject of thermodynamics.
Mary Anne White research group, summer 2013.
Anderson de Pereira, was a visiting Anderson is a visiting student at Dalhousie, from his home university of UFRJ – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and worked with us as a summer research assistant, May-August 2013.
A game of croquet is played at Mary Anne and Rob's cottage.
Ice Contours. Photo by Mary Anne White and winner of second place in the 2013 Art of Physics Competition, hosted by the Canadian Association of Physicists. This ice formed in this deep puddle after several days of freeze-thaw cycles in December 2011 in Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia. Each night the temperature dropped enough to freeze the whole surface. The days were warmer and each day the thinner, outer sections, further away from the log, melted back a bit, still leaving the ice nearest the log. Each night new ice formed, but, because of evaporation during the day, the level of the ice furthest from the log was a little lower on each subsequent day. With the gradually decreasing overall temperature, the less ice melted back each day, leaving behind ridges that look like contour lines.
Cody Morelock, a visiting PhD student from Professor Angus Wilkinson’s research group at Georgia Tech. June 2013.
John Niven at his poster at the CAP meeting in Montreal, May 2013.
Jan Pöhls at his poster at the CAP meeting in Montreal. His poster won second prize in the condensed matter division. May 2013. Congratulations!
Annual meeting of the NSERC Smart Net-Zero Energy Building Strategic Research Network, including Mary Anne White, Paul Allred, Louis Desgrosseilliers, and our collaborators from McMaster University, Professors Marilyn Lightstone and Jim Cotton, and their students. Ottawa, May 2013.
Kim Miller, PhD, on convocation day, with her friend, the PPMS. May 2013.
John Niven, BSc, on convocation day. May 2013.
Summer student Jacy Conrad received an award from Professor Laurent Kreplak for both the best overall student in second year of honours physics, and the best female student in second year of honours physics. May 2013.
Mary Anne White research group, Fall 2012.
We had an evening out when Professor Mario Bieringer from the University of Manitoba was here for a seminar and discussions concerning research collaborations. January 2013.
We are delighted to have our new FT Raman spectrometer up and running. January 2013.
Kim Miller, PhD student, 2008-2012.
A very happy Kim Miller, after completion of her PhD exam, with her external examiner, Dr. Cora Lind from the University of Toledo, December 6, 2012.
Professor Pupa Gilbert from the University of Wisconsin visited to present a seminar "Crystallization Mechanisms in Biominerals", which inspired a "Biomineralized Pumpkin" (aka pumpkin covered in cement with spicules). Left to right: Jan Pöhls, Carl Romao, Professor Gilbert, Kim Miller, Paul Allred and Alex Bourque. October 2012.
Mary Anne White had a chance to catch up with two long-ago PhD graduates from our group while in Pittsburgh for MS&T. Left to right: Darek Michalski (PhD in Chemistry from our group, 1995), Darek’s wife Henia, Mary Anne, Tommy Bednarz, Bozena Bednarz (who received her PhD in Chemistry at Dalhousie with Professor T. S. Cameron), and Greg Bednarz (PhD in Physics from our group, 1992). October 2012.
Louis Desgrosseillers graduated in the fall convocation with a Masters of Applied Science. Louis is shown here with his co-supervisors, Mary Anne White and Dominic Groulx, and his certificate as a member of the DREAMS program. October 2012.
Herman Stubeda, summer student 2012
Mary Anne White research group, May 2012.
Mary Anne White and the DREAMS students and faculty had an opportunity to visit ProSolarTec, a solar foundry in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia. We watched them melt magnesium brass to make commemorative medals for the Canadian premiers who visited there later in the week. Mary Anne was invited to put a piece of lumber in the beam, and it immediately burst into flames, which is what you'd expect for a sunbeam that can achieve more than 3000 °C! July 2012.
Congratulations to Rong Sun (MSc 2004) and his wife Jing on the birth of their daughter, Elena, on June 21, 2012.
Andrew Ritchie: From a fresh-faced BSc (2006) to a PhD recipient (2012). Andrew looks pretty happy to get to wear the PhD robes, May 2012.
Adam Bent (Honours project 2011-2012) received his Honours BSc at the May 2012 convocation.
Louis Desgrosseilliers (MASc student) at the Nova Scotia Energy Research & Development Forum in May 2012, presenting his poster "Lauric Acid for Use As a Latent Heat Storage Material".
Paul Allred (MSc student) at the Nova Scotia Energy Research & Development Forum in May 2012, presenting his poster "Thermal Characterization of Salt Hydrate Phase Change Materials for Solar Thermal Storage".
Helen Clara Whitman, daughter of Dr. Cathy Whitman (PhD 2005; research associate since 2007). Helen was born May 5, 2012.
Mary Anne White research group, Fall 2011.
Carl Romao looking very happy after his PhD Qualifying Exam, April 2012.
Our collaborator, Professor Vesselin Shanov, at University of Cincinnati, march 2012.
Hong Tang (MSc 2008), shown here at Chinese New Years Dinner, is now the President of The Chinese Society of Nova Scotia. Congratulations, Hong! January 2012.
Andrew Ritchie and his PhD external examiner, Dr. Mario Bieringer.
The Entry for the 2011 Department of Chemistry pumpkin carving contest, the PPMS (Pumpkin Property Measurement System).
Kim Miller poses beside one of the beamlines at the Laboratorio Nacional de Luz Sincrotron in Campinas, Brazil.
Congratulations to Mike Johnson (and his wife Laura) on the birth of Isabelle Maria on September 17.
We had a day at Mary Anne and Rob's cottage in August. Several people swam across the lake.
In July, "Physical Properties of Materials", second edition (CRC Press) was published. Hurray!
Professor Fernando Rizzo, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, visits the lighthouse at Peggy's Cove while visiting our lab here in Nova Scotia.
Anthony Cerqueira, Masters Student, 2009-2011.
Eileen Burns, DREAMS Undergraduate Student, 2011.
John Niven, NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award Holder, 2011.
Kimberly Miller and Carl Romao during their trip to the International Thermal Conductivity Conference and International Thermal Expansion Symposium in Saguenay, Quebec. From left: Louis Salerno, AMES Research Center, Group Leader of the Cryogenics Group; Jan Leys, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Postdoc; Michele Olsen, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Researcher; Bhavesh Pate, Southern Research, Manager/Materials Engineer; Kimberly Miller; Carl Romao. July 2011.
Mary Anne White at the University of Western Ontario, with Chancellor Thompson (left) and President Chakma (right), when Mary Anne received an honorary Doctor of Science degree, June 2011.
Alex Bourque at the high pressure press at the National Institute for Materials Science in Tsukuba, Japan, May 2011.
Congratulations to Craig Bryan on the receipt of his BSc(Hon), May 2011. Craig was an honours project student 2010-2011.
Alex Bouque (DREAMS PhD candidate) is taking his first industrial internship at Toshiba Research and Development, Kawasaki, Japan. May 2011"
Craig Bryan, Honours Project Student, 2010-2011.
Mary Anne White research group, Fall 2010.
Dr. Ran Chen at his poster, "Porous Hybrid Al2O3-Based Ceramics Prepared by Freeze casting and Organic Surface Modifications" at the 35th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites in Daytona Beach, Florida, January 2011.
Cameron Jakubinek, son of Mike Jakubinek (MSc 2005; PhD 2009).
Mary Anne White research group, summer 2010
Alex Safatli: Undergraduate summer researcher, 2010.
Lauren Bilinsky: Undergraduate summer researcher (NSERC USRA), 2010.
A relaxing afternoon at the Whites' cottage in Lunenburg County. August 2010.
Mary Anne White after her public lecture, "Energy and Temperature in Our Lives: The Role of Thermodynamics" at the 21st IUPAC International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics in Tsukuba, Japan. From left: Mary Anne White; Professor Tooru Atake, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Conference Chair; Professor Akira Inaba, Osaka University, Conference Program Chair (who provided the translation of Mary Anne's lecture into Japanese). July 2010.
Participants in the Symposium in Honor of Professor S. Seki and Professor H. Suga at the 21st IUPAC International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics in Tsukuba, Japan. From left: Professor Masaharu Oguni, Professor Austen Angell, Professor Hiroshi Suga, Professor Brian Woodfield, Professor Z.-C. Tan, Professor Manuel Ribeiro da Silva, Professor Mary Anne White, Professor Michio Sorai, Professor Takasuke Matsuo. August 2010.
Mike Johnson discussing his poster , "Magnetic Phase Transitions in (YxEr1-x)2Ti2O7 : Influence of Magnetic Field" with Professor Akira Inaba of Osaka University, at the 21st IUPAC International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics in Tsukuba, Japan. August 2010.
Dr. Mokoto Tachibana at the National Institute of Materials Science, Tsukuba, Japan. Note the three PPMS instruments! Mary Anne White and Mike Johnson visited this lab when attending the 21st IUPAC International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics in Tsukuba, Japan. August 2010.
The Emperor of Japan and The Empress of Japan attended the Opening Ceremony of the 21st IUPAC International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics in Tsukuba, Japan. At the reception, Mary Anne was honoured to have a private, one-minute conversation with The Emperor (no photos allowed!). August 2010.
Dr. Bojan Marinkovic, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, our research collaborator, working with graduate student, Kim Miller, while Bojan was visiting. July 2010.
Group lunch when Dr. Bojan Marinkovic was visiting from Brazil. July 2010.
Distinguished guests in our lab following the CREATE DREAMS announcement, June 4, 2010: Front row - left to right: Dr. Martha Crago, Vice-President, Research, Dalhousie University; Alex Bourque, PhD candidate and NSERC scholar in Chemistry at Dalhousie University; Honourable Gary Goodyear, Minister of State (Science and Technology); Dr. Suzanne Fortier, President, NSERC; Dr. Graham Gagnon, Professor of Civil Engineering at Dalhousie University; and Lauren Bilinsky, NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awardee in Chemistry at Dalhousie University. Back row - left to right: Anthony Cerqueira, MSc candidate in Chemistry at Dalhousie University; Michel Johnson, Research Scientist at the Institute for Research in Materials, Dalhousie University; Alex Safatli, Summer Undergraduate Research Assistant in Chemistry at Dalhousie University; and Dr. Mary Anne White, University Research Professor of Chemistry and Physics at Dalhousie University.
After the NSERC CREATE national launch, June 4, 2010 (see NSERC press release) Mary Anne White (middle) takes the podium party on a tour of her lab. L-R: Dr. Suzanne Fortier (NSERC President), Dr. Mary Anne White, Dr. Gary Goodyear (Minister of State for Science and Technology). (Danny Abriel photo)
Patrick Murray after receiving his BSc (Honours).
Cathy Whitman with baby Chase, May 2010.
Dr. Mary Anne White, Dr. Mónica Ari, Dr. Paula Mendes Jardim, Dr. Bojan Marinkovic, Kim Miller, at the Department of Materials Engineering, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 2010.
Anthony Cerqueira explaining his poster to a student at the Atlantic Inorganic Discussion Weekend, March 13, 2010. Anthony won second prize in the poster competition.
Congratulations to Mike Jakubinek as he starts in January as a Research Associate at the Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences [link], National Research Council, Ottawa. We bid a fond farewell to Mike in December.
Mary Anne White with Beaker and Bunsen Honeydew at Discoveryfest, a celebration of science held at the Truro campus of the Nova Scotia Community College.
Kim Miller with Robo Cop at Discoveryfest, a celebration of
science held at the
Congratulations to Mike Jakubinek on his graduation with his PhD on October 18.
Congratulations to Mike Jakubinek, shown here with his external examiner, Dr. David Cahill (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), on completion of his PhD, August 2009.
At Mary Anne's cottage after several of us swam one or both ways across the lake, August 2009.
Philippe Tremblay on receipt of his BSc (Honours Chemistry), Spring Convocation 2009
Albert Pumpkinstein, carved by Kim Miller, won the best pumpkin award at the Department of Chemistry's annual pumpkin carving contest.
Ms. Yumiko Sekigushi from Toshiba Corporation (Kawasaki, Japan) visited our lab. While here, she also had an opportunity to visit Halifax harbour.
At Mary Anne's cottage. Mike Johnson's son Marc is thinking about his first piece of cake. Unfortunately for him, we ate it all.
Mike and Laura Johnson with new son Marc (July 2008).
The group in summer 2008 (July 2008).
Mary Anne White receives a Doctor of Science (honoris causa) from Dr. Red Wilson, Chancellor, McMaster University, June 10, 2008.
Hong Tang and David James received MSc and BSc (Hon) degrees at the Dalhousie University Spring Convocation (May 2008).
Mary Anne White after receiving the McNeil Medal for Public Awareness of Science from the Royal Society of Canada at their meeting in Edmonton in November 2007.
PhD students Michael Jakubinek (Physics) and Andrew Ritchie (Chemistry) get a kick out of Mary Anne White's "dancing raisins" experiment. (Danny Abriel photo) Read the story on DalNews.